María José Solano [Vauxoo] Odoo Credit Limit Module: Features and Benefits Module that allows to put a credit limit to any client individually, which facilitates the monitoring and follow-up of the client's payments. With this module your company will have a competitive adva... Odoo credito limitedecredito Jan 12, 2022 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Mexico: CFDI with Carta Porte complement | Motor transport The SAT published the 2.0 bill of lading complement, its use being mandatory as of January 1 for Mexican companies, in this blog we tell you what you need to know about the complement and how to integ... Autotransporte CFDI CartaPorte CartaPorte2022 ComplementoCartaPorte SAT Jan 5, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Digital Marketing Trends for 2022 2022 is loaded with new marketing trends, in this blog post we share some of those that we think are the most important and interesting for your marketing strategy to be a success in this new year. Pe... Marketing Odoo beneficios del chat en vivo busqueda busquedaporvoz. chat en sitio web chat en vivo chat en website chat online eventos. eventosodoo google odoomarketing. odoowebsite sinpetdegoogle website Dec 29, 2021 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Management of absences The management of absences is one of the most important elements for the HR department, its correct or incorrect registration and compliance impacts various areas of the administrative management of c... ausencias ausenciaslaborales faltasinjustificadas faltasjustificadas gestiondeausencias importanciadelagestiondeausencias odooausencias queeslagestiondeausencias tiposdeausencias vacaciones ventajasdeunsoftwaredeausencias Dec 22, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] What is it, and what functions do Odoo Studio have? Odoo Studio is a module of the Odoo suite that allows you to create new applications, as well as edit existing modules to add the fields that your company needs, all this in a very simple way and in a... Odoo funcionesdeodoo funcionesodoo odoostudio Dec 15, 2021 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] IoT as the future of management The creation of processes and continuous improvement of them is a goal for all companies, especially those of manufacturing. To obtain continuous improvement and speed up manufacturing times, it is ne... Internetdelascosas OdooIoT QueesIoT quepermiteIoT quetecnologiautilizaelIoT ventajasdelIoT Dec 8, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Employee Surveys: Benefits and Types of Surveys Companies often use surveys of their employees to assess the degree of satisfaction and commitment. Generally, they are used by the human resources department, being an excellent research instrument a... Odoo colaboradores. compra empresas encuestas. odoorecursoshuman recursoshumanos rrhh satisfaccio tipo de encuestas tipodee Dec 1, 2021 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Referral strategy to attract employees Getting new collaborators is not an easy task, it takes time, effort and other resources, if you are looking for a strategy to attract new employees, this blog will be of great help. What strategy are... Beneficiosdeunprogramadereferidos Odooreferidos Odooreferrals Quéesunprogramadereferidos comohacerunprogramadereferidos estrategiadereclutamiento objetivodeunprogramadereferidos reclutamientoporrecomendacion referidosrecursoshumanos Nov 24, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] 7 benefits of live chat on your website Live chat on a website is a communication window that is shown to your users in real time, it offers the possibility of communicating with the people in charge of offering customer service or support ... Odoo beneficios del chat en vivo chat en sitio web chat en vivo chat en website chat online chatenvivoe odoochatenvivo odoowebsite sitio web website Nov 17, 2021 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] How to deliver customer support to your clients? A customer who gets his problem solved will tell to 4-6 people about his experience, while a dissatisfied customer will tell about 9-15 people * , the sale of products and services is completely linke... Servicioalcliente estrategiadesoporte estructuradelservicioalcliente odoohelpdesk odoosoporte queeselsoportealcliente rolesdelservicioalcliente rolesdelsoporte serviciodeatenciónalcliente soporte Nov 10, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Elearning: benefits for companies The e-learning for companies offers flexible learning for your employees and helps reduce considerably the costs of information. In this blog post we will tell you the benefits of e-learning for compa... Odoo aprendizajeenlinea. beneficiosdelelearning. cursoenlinea elearning enseñanzasonline. recursosenlinea Nov 3, 2021 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Financial statements: classification and types Previously we talked about the purpose of ledger accounts , where we define them as a means to reach the financial or accounting statements of the company, in this blog post we will talk to you exactl... Balancegeneral Clasificaciondelosestadosfinancieros Cualessonlosestadosfinancieros Odoocontabilidad Odooestadosfinancieros Quesonlosestadosfiancieros estadoderesultados estadosfinancieros importanciadelosestadosfinancieros Oct 27, 2021 Our Blog