Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Long-term benefits of using Odoo ERP When evaluating the different ERP solutions to find the best ERP for your company, you must take into account the benefits in costs, process improvement and scalability. In this blog post, we talk abo... Crecimientoalargoplazo ERPacortoplazo ERPalargoplazo ERPbeneficios beneficiosacortoplazodeOdoo beneficiosalargoplazodeOdoo beneficiosdeunsoftwaredegestión longtermERP shorttermERP sistemadegestiónempresarialbeneficios Aug 4, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Get the ideal inventory for you online store Throughout this blog we tell you how you can be prepared for the strong dates with the ideal number of products in stock for your business, we share some points that you should take into account if yo... Odoo Odooinventario. ecommerce ecommerceinventari inventario inventariotiendaenlinea linea maximos minimos productos softwareinventarios stock tiendaenlinea Jul 28, 2021 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] How much does an ERP cost? ¿Buscas implementar un ERP, pero no conoces que compone su costo? ¿Cómo sabes cuál es la mejor opción? ¿A largo plazo, cuánto dinero estarás invirtiendo? ¿Cuáles son los costos ocultos?. Este blog pos... CalcularelcostodeunERP Costosdeimplementación CostosdeunERP CostosocultosdeunERP CuantocuestaunERP ERPOnPremise ERPSaaS ERPalargoplazo Licenciamiento Licenciasperpetuas OdooERP Planesdesuscripción Jul 22, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Electronic payroll: functions and benefits Throughout this blog post we will tell you about what electronic payroll is, what functions and benefits it has for the company and the employee, in addition, we will share some advantages of implemen... beneficiosdenominaelectronica beneficiosnomina funcionesdelanominaelectronica. funcionesnomina nomina nomina electronica nominatradicional queeslanomina. queeslanominaelectronica usodenoominaelectronic Jul 14, 2021 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Should I use a point of sale system in my establishment? In this blog post we will talk about what a point of sale is, its benefits, what are the essentials in a point of sale system and how to know if I should implement one. What is a point of sales system... Codigodebarras Impresorasdeetiquetas OdooPoS OdooPointofsale OdooPuntodeventa Puntodeventa Queesunpuntodeventa QueesunsistemaPoS Queesunsistemadepuntodeventa QuébeneficiosmetraeusarunsistemaPoS terminaldepago Jul 7, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Time management in companies Don't you know what tasks your collaborators spend the most time on? Don't they keep an order in their activities and hours? In this blog post, we will tell you what time management is and how, when a... Odoo gestiondeltiempo gestiondetalentohumano timesheet Jun 29, 2021 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] How to efficiently control your inventory and not fail in the attempt? If you have an insurance warehouse, you know the great effort and dedication it takes to keep inventory control. To tell the truth there is no magic formula that shows what is the best way to keep tra... Odoo almacen controldeinventarios inventariado metodoABC metodoCEP metodoPEPS metodociclico metodosdecontroldeinventarios oddo queesuncontroldeinventarios Jun 23, 2021 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] How to promote mental health within your organization? Mental health is an important part of being human, promoting it within an organization can improve the development and productivity of your employees. In this blog post we will review what was seen in... Saludmental colaboradores empleados importanciadelasaludmental mentalhealth organizacion productividad promociondelasaludmental saludmentalenlaorganizacion Jun 16, 2021 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Steps to implement an ERP Previously we had explained What is an ERP? , but what does an implementation consist of? How long does it take? Why should I generate a change management? Throughout this blog post we will tell you w... ImplementacionesERP Oddo Odoo implantaciones implantacionesERP implementaciondeunsoftware pasosdeimplementaciondeunERP Jun 9, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] What is onboarding and why is it important for your company? ¿Cómo le das la bienvenida a tus nuevos colaboradores? ¿Crees que tienen un buen recuerdo de su primer día? Para fidelizar al talento humano de tu empresa e incluirlos a su cultura, existe el onboardi... Odoo empleadosnuevos empleadosnuevosinduccion estrategiasdeonboarding onboarding onboardingdigital procesodeonboarding recursoshumanos trabajoremoto Jun 2, 2021 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] 6 advantages of implementing a subscription business model Throughout this blog post we will talk to you about subscription business models, some of their characteristics and advantages, in addition, we will tell you about a tool that will facilitate the mana... diseñodemodelosdenegocio emprendedores estructuradecostes experienciadecliente flujosdeingresos fuentesdeingresos modelodenegocio modelodenegociosubscripción startups ventajasdelmodelodesuscripción May 26, 2021 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Why do so many ERP implementations fail? The use of an ERP helps companies improve their processes and increase their performance, but why do these types of implementations sometimes fail? Throughout this blog we will tell you why it happens... sistemaerp ImplementacionesERP OdooERP businessintelligencesoftware fracasoenimplementaciones sistemadegestionempresarial sistemascontables sistemasdemanufactura softwareadministrativo softwaredeadministraciondenegocios softwaredecontabilidad softwareparainventarios softwarepuntodeventa May 19, 2021 Our Blog