Danna López [Vauxoo] DIOT 2025: Comply with the New Declaration from Odoo with Vauxoo The Declaración Informativa de Operaciones con Terceros (DIOT) is an essential tax requirement for businesses in Mexico. As 2025 approaches, the SAT has implemented significant changes in how this dec... Contabilidad DIOT Odoo SAT diot-2025 Mar 12, 2025 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Nomina Mexicana en Odoo Contenido: Servicios que ofrece nuestro módulo de Nómina Mexicana en Odoo. Establecer un entorno en Odoo para el control integral de empleados y la gestión de los pagos de nómina. Integración del sist... Odoo Odoo 17 nomina mexicana nomina mexicana en odoo odoo nomina Jun 12, 2024 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] ¿Qué es el comercio electrónico B2B? Conoce en este blog de que se tratan los negocios B2B y los beneficios que trae consigo implementar un ERP que ayude con todos los procesos. El comercio electrónico B2B es la venta en línea de product... Odoo Odoo16 ecommerce odoowebsite website Nov 1, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Odoo HR: The key to successful management The human resources area is essential for any company and having a software to manage all the activities of the department is essential, therefore, we will talk about how it is possible to centralize ... Odoo recursos humanos rrhh Aug 24, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Expenses module in Odoo Odoo's expenses module helps to improve the management of travel expenses generated by collaborators, knowing them is of great importance for your company regardless of its size, since having knowledg... Odoo control de gastos gastos odoogastos Mar 9, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] What is it, and what functions do Odoo Studio have? Odoo Studio is a module of the Odoo suite that allows you to create new applications, as well as edit existing modules to add the fields that your company needs, all this in a very simple way and in a... Odoo funcionesdeodoo funcionesodoo odoostudio Dec 15, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Employee Surveys: Benefits and Types of Surveys Companies often use surveys of their employees to assess the degree of satisfaction and commitment. Generally, they are used by the human resources department, being an excellent research instrument a... Odoo colaboradores. compra empresas encuestas. odoorecursoshuman recursoshumanos rrhh satisfaccio tipo de encuestas tipodee Dec 1, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] 7 benefits of live chat on your website Live chat on a website is a communication window that is shown to your users in real time, it offers the possibility of communicating with the people in charge of offering customer service or support ... Odoo beneficios del chat en vivo chat en sitio web chat en vivo chat en website chat online chatenvivoe odoochatenvivo odoowebsite sitio web website Nov 17, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Elearning: benefits for companies The e-learning for companies offers flexible learning for your employees and helps reduce considerably the costs of information. In this blog post we will tell you the benefits of e-learning for compa... Odoo aprendizajeenlinea. beneficiosdelelearning. cursoenlinea elearning enseñanzasonline. recursosenlinea Nov 3, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] How to structure a successful sales team? The sales team is the face of any company, since it is in constant contact with customers. Structuring and nurturing your team is key to the growth and closure of your sales, in this blog post we shar... Odoo basesequipo cerrarventas comercial comerciale comerciales. comohacerunprocesodeventas equipocomercial equipodeventas. etapasdelprocesodeventas fasesdelprocesodeventas flujodeventas odooventas. pipelinedeventas queeselprocesodeventas queesequipodeventas. ventas Oct 20, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Gestión de flotas vehiculares Throughout this blog post we tell you what fleet management is, the benefits of having software that automates the processes, and we share a tool that will be very useful for your company. Managing a ... Odoo beneficiosdeflotas. flotas gestion gestiondeflotas. gestiondeflotasodoo odoogestiondeflotas queesgestionvehicular queeslaflotavehicular queeslagestiondeflotas software vehiculos Sep 8, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Get the ideal inventory for you online store Throughout this blog we tell you how you can be prepared for the strong dates with the ideal number of products in stock for your business, we share some points that you should take into account if yo... Odoo Odooinventario. ecommerce ecommerceinventari inventario inventariotiendaenlinea linea maximos minimos productos softwareinventarios stock tiendaenlinea Jul 28, 2021 Our Blog