Psychometric tests are currently essential for personnel selection, since they are excellent for knowing if the candidate's profile really applies to the job vacancy. Throughout this blog post, we tell you what these tests are and what they are for, as well as their objectives. We also share a tool that will be very useful for your company throughout the recruitment process.
What are psychometric tests, and what are they for?
El uso de pruebas psicométricas en el proceso de selección de personal son de gran utilidad para conocer los rasgos de personalidad, aptitudes, competencias y patrones de comportamiento de cada postulante, gracias a ellas puedes darte cuenta si una persona resulta apta o no para una posición laboral con base en las fortalezas y debilidades que tiene.
These tests do not seek to qualify people, so there are no right or wrong answers, but they seek to give an approach of the person's skills, behaviors and competencies. These tests allow recruiters to obtain a complete profile of the different competencies of the candidates and are a great ally to help define how well or not a candidate can adapt to the job and the organizational culture of the company in an intent to reduce staff turnover.
Objectives of psychometric tests
Psychometric tests are used to quantitatively measure the qualities of an individual and are very useful for finding the ideal candidate for the vacancies in your company. Here are some of the objectives of using this tool in your company:
Predict performance
One of the biggest goals of psychometric tests is to predict the job performance that each applicant will have once they are hired.
Identify skills and competencies
Thanks to the psychometric tests, the recruiter can observe the abilities, values, skills and aptitudes of each applicant, which will facilitate the selection according to the description of the vacancy.
These tests are also a great ally to determine which candidate will adapt more easily and quickly to the organizational culture of the company.
Know the potential
Thanks to these tests you will be able to know the potential of each candidate regarding the vacancy, as well as to know the ease with which they have to work as a team and a great advantage is that you will also be able to know their limitations.
Types of psychometric tests
There are different types of tests, since human behavior is very complex. Psychometric tests cannot measure it in its entirety, therefore, there is no definitive test to measure the aptitudes, intelligence or personality of each individual, but certain traits are evaluated in each of them.
Aptitude test
This type of test measures the skill and job skills of each applicant, helps identify a pattern of behavior that reveals their most outstanding skills and job skills.
Soft skills test
These types of skills combine personality traits and cognitive skills and help predict job performance, as well as teamwork, empathy, assertive communication, among other skills.
Personality test
This type of test evaluates the way of interpreting certain situations, as well as personal aspects such as adaptation or social skills.
Rorschach test
It allows evaluating emotional balance, degree of anxiety, tolerance, anger management and self-esteem. It consists of the interpretation of ink spots printed on cards and is widely used by psychologists.
Keep in mind that to develop each test, the collaboration of an expert on the subject is necessary to help your company decide the types of traits that you want to measure and thus decide which test to choose. That each topic is well-structured and thought out is essential for the tests to really work, and you can be sure that it is efficient and reliable.
Odoo hiring

With this Odoo module you can easily manage and track each applicant, it allows you to create a database with each profile and index the documents you think are necessary. Here are some of the greatest advantages of using this module:
You can customize each step in your recruitment process, from the pre-qualification, the first interview, the second interview, the negotiation, etc.
Integrate predesigned surveys
You can integrate pre-built surveys into Odoo so that they are part of every stage of the hiring process. These surveys can be part of the psychometric evaluations that you can apply by stage and also by job profile.
Statistics and reports
You will be able to view exact statistics on your recruitment flow, as well as use reports to compare the results of job postings.
Calendar integration
You have the ability to schedule interviews and send meeting invitations directly from Odoo and sync your Odoo calendar with Google Calendar.
Send offers online
Generate links with the offer to the selected candidates. Let them review the offer, upload their personal information, and sign the offer.
Integrating psychometric tests in your recruitment process will offer you great results, as it will help you reduce expenses related to staff turnover and time spent on new recruits. In addition, this type of test helps you identify when a candidate is not suitable for your company, increasing the chances of having the best performing staff for your company.