Danna López [Vauxoo] DIOT 2025: Comply with the New Declaration from Odoo with Vauxoo The Declaración Informativa de Operaciones con Terceros (DIOT) is an essential tax requirement for businesses in Mexico. As 2025 approaches, the SAT has implemented significant changes in how this dec... Contabilidad DIOT Odoo SAT diot-2025 Mar 12, 2025 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Mexico: CFDI with Carta Porte complement | Motor transport The SAT published the 2.0 bill of lading complement, its use being mandatory as of January 1 for Mexican companies, in this blog we tell you what you need to know about the complement and how to integ... Autotransporte CFDI CartaPorte CartaPorte2022 ComplementoCartaPorte SAT Jan 5, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Invoice stamping in Mexico: definition and characteristics Discover in this blog post what is the stamping of electronic invoices, what is the process that must be followed and what is the importance for the SAT and taxpayers. What is the stamping of electron... CFDI Facturación Odoo PAC SAT beneficiosdeunsoftwaredegestión factura electrónica facturaelectronica localiza localizacionmexicana mexico queeseltimbrado queeslafacturacionelectronic timbrado timbradodefactur Oct 6, 2021 Our Blog