María José Solano [Vauxoo] Limpieza de datos: ¿qué importancia tiene para las empresas? En toda empresa es de suma importancia mantener los datos de clientes de manera organizada, ya que son uno de los elementos más relevantes y valiosos que puede tener. Hacer uso de una estrategia como ... Datacleaning Odoo limpieza de datos queeslalimpiezadedatos Mar 23, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Odoo Subscription: Overview and Features This time we will tell you about what you can find in the Odoo subscription module. Previously on our blog benefits of implementing a subscription business model We talked about some subscription busi... Odoo odoosuscripcion suscripcion ventajasdelmodelodesuscripción Feb 23, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Psychometric tests: the key to your selection process Psychometric tests are currently essential for personnel selection, since they are excellent for knowing if the candidate's profile really applies to the job vacancy. Throughout this blog post, we tel... Odoo objetivos pruebas psicometricas pruebas psicometricas test psicometrico Feb 9, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Easy electronic invoicing: Peru Billing is a system that facilitates the issuance of electronic payment receipts, documents regulated by SUNAT that prove the delivery of goods or services. That is, invoices, credit notes and electro... Digiflow Facturacion electronica Facturación Facturación electronica perú IAP OSE Odoo PSE Perú contabilidad SUNAT peru Jan 26, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Odoo Credit Limit Module: Features and Benefits Module that allows to put a credit limit to any client individually, which facilitates the monitoring and follow-up of the client's payments. With this module your company will have a competitive adva... Odoo credito limitedecredito Jan 12, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Digital Marketing Trends for 2022 2022 is loaded with new marketing trends, in this blog post we share some of those that we think are the most important and interesting for your marketing strategy to be a success in this new year. Pe... Marketing Odoo beneficios del chat en vivo busqueda busquedaporvoz. chat en sitio web chat en vivo chat en website chat online eventos. eventosodoo google odoomarketing. odoowebsite sinpetdegoogle website Dec 29, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] ODOO EXPERIENCE 2021 The most anticipated event of the year has already started! Odoo Experience brings together in one place the active international Odoo community, as well as people looking to grow their business with ... #OdooExperience Odoo Odoo15 OdooExperience Oct 7, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Invoice stamping in Mexico: definition and characteristics Discover in this blog post what is the stamping of electronic invoices, what is the process that must be followed and what is the importance for the SAT and taxpayers. What is the stamping of electron... CFDI Facturación Odoo PAC SAT beneficiosdeunsoftwaredegestión factura electrónica facturaelectronica localiza localizacionmexicana mexico queeseltimbrado queeslafacturacionelectronic timbrado timbradodefactur Oct 6, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Point of sale in restaurants In this blog post we will tell you the benefits that the implementation of a point of sale in your restaurant brings, as well as the characteristics that the POS you choose should have, and we share a... Odoo OdooPoS OdooPointofsale OdooPuntodeventa POS POSpararestaurantes Pospararestaurant Puntodeventa Queesunpuntodeventa QueesunsistemaPoS Queesunsistemadepuntodeventa QuébeneficiosmetraeusarunsistemaPoS posenrestaurante puntodeventapararestaur restaurante softwarepuntodeventa Aug 25, 2021 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Employee performance evaluation Throughout this blog post we will tell you what performance evaluation is, the benefits that implementing this type of evaluations provides to your company, the different evaluation methods, and we wi... #estrategia Odoo beneficiosdeunsoftwaredegestión desempeño empleados evaluacion productividad recursos humanos recursoshumanos registro rrhh software tiempo Aug 11, 2021 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] How to efficiently control your inventory and not fail in the attempt? If you have an insurance warehouse, you know the great effort and dedication it takes to keep inventory control. To tell the truth there is no magic formula that shows what is the best way to keep tra... Odoo almacen controldeinventarios inventariado metodoABC metodoCEP metodoPEPS metodociclico metodosdecontroldeinventarios oddo queesuncontroldeinventarios Jun 23, 2021 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Steps to implement an ERP Previously we had explained What is an ERP? , but what does an implementation consist of? How long does it take? Why should I generate a change management? Throughout this blog post we will tell you w... ImplementacionesERP Oddo Odoo implantaciones implantacionesERP implementaciondeunsoftware pasosdeimplementaciondeunERP Jun 9, 2021 Our Blog