María José Solano [Vauxoo] Cost center in Odoo The cost center is the area or business unit where the expenses that the company needs are produced and controlled . In other words, it is a financial section, with an assigned budget, where the compa... Contabilidad CuentascontablesOdoo Herramientasdecontabilidad Odoo Odoocontabilidad control de gastos odoogastos sistemascontables Sep 21, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Odoo is now a unicorn company. What does that mean? Las Unicorn companies are those technology companies whose growth is exponential, they usually reach a value of 1,000 million dollars in less than 10 years from their creation. This term was coined by... Odoo Odoo 16 Odoo15 OdooERP Sep 14, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Requests and Landed Cost - Odoo Enterprise The request is the fiscal declaration, where the SAT is informed of the destination that will be given to the merchandise that is introduced or extracted from the country and verifies compliance with ... Odoo Odoocontabilidad funcionesodoo landedcost odooenterprise pedimentos Sep 7, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Batch picking with Odoo Learn how Odoo can help you generate batch transfers in a simple way. What are batch picking? A batch is a group of products that are produced together under the same quality controls and can contain ... Inventario Odoo Odoo Inventario lotes Aug 31, 2022 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] What's new in Odoo 16? The Odoo experience will be in October 2022 and with it comes the release of version 16 of Odoo, which brings with it improvements in both usability and performance. Learn in this blog about the chang... #OdooExperience Contabilidad Fabricacion Facturacion electronica Odoo Odoo 16 website Aug 17, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Get to know the Odoo multi-currency system Companies that have a presence in different countries commonly carry out multi-currency transactions. But what is it? Multicurrency is a term used to describe the financial operations carried out in a... Odoo Odoo 16 Odoo version 16 multidivisa odoo multidivisa odoo multimoneda Aug 10, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Improve your team communication with Odoo Discuss En cualquier empresa la comunicación es fundamental, y es primordial contar con canales de comunicación simples e intuitivos para mantener una comunicación exitosa. Odoo ofrece el módulo de Discuss, e... Odoo OdooERP odoorecursoshuman rrhh Jun 29, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Odoo projects: the key to manage your projects successfully Managing a project can be a daunting task, which is why you need to decide which project management method to use. The essential thing is to choose a methodology that guarantees that the company's pro... Odoo Odoo15 OdooApps OdooERP kanban proyectos timesheet Jun 15, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Create web pages in Odoo: fast and easy A website allows your company to publicize its products and services in a massive and simpler way, it also provides information of interest to the user, gives credibility to your company, transmits se... Odoo chat en sitio web odoowebsite paginasweb sitio web website May 18, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] 6 benefits of having a forum on your website An internet forum is a space where people can share ideas and spark discussion on a particular topic. Having a forum on your website is a very good strategy because the contributions, comments, questi... Odoo beneficiosdeunforo foro foroodoo May 4, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Best practices for a successful email marketing strategy with Odoo Previously in our blog “ Email marketing automation ” we told you how email marketing is a great tool to complement your marketing strategy. Let's remember that this strategy is about sending mass ema... MarketingDigital Odoo email email marketing Apr 20, 2022 Our Blog
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Methodology for a successful implementation at Vauxoo To begin, it is necessary to know that our methodology consists of 5 phases and something important to take into account is that the first 4 phases do not occur sequentially, but rather iteratively, s... ImplementacionesERP Odoo implementaciondeunsoftware metodologia pasosdeimplementaciondeunERP Apr 6, 2022 Our Blog