Improve your team communication with Odoo Discuss

Odoo offers the Discuss module, which provides various advantages for your company to maintain excellent internal communication.

En cualquier empresa la comunicación es fundamental, y es primordial contar con canales de comunicación simples e intuitivos para mantener una comunicación exitosa. Odoo ofrece el módulo de Discuss, el cual brinda diversas ventajas para que tu empresa mantenga excelente comunicación interna.

One of them is that it is available to any Odoo user and is ready to use as soon as the system is implemented in your company, since it does not require any type of extra configuration, in addition to all the communication of your company will be in the same place. Below, we will see some functionalities and advantages offered by this module:

Public communication channel

Public channels are ideal for holding conversations where it is necessary for all collaborators to be aware (such as internal company announcements), so implementing this type of channel in your company makes it easier for the team to be updated with the latest news. These types of channels can be generated by an administrator and can be seen by everyone who subscribes to the channel or those who are invited by the administrator. 

An important feature when creating a public communication channel is that you can select that every time a message is sent it is also sent by email or, on the contrary, that the conversations remain internal and there are no emails involved.

Private communication channel

Private communication channels offer the possibility of creating communication for different interest groups within the company, it can be between teams, departments, projects or any other type of group that requires regular and private communication.

These channels are very similar to public communication channels, with the difference that this can be generated by any user and will only be visible to users who have been invited to the channel.

Something valuable to consider is that it is possible to change the privacy settings, which allows you to decide who will be involved, so that only the selected people will have access to said channel.

Direct messages

The first time you log in to the account, Odoo Bot sends you a message requesting permission to receive desktop notifications in chats. If you agree, you will receive automatic notifications of messages sent to you, regardless of where you are in Odoo. Here are some features you can do with chat:

  • You will be able to see the messages that have been sent to you, it is not necessary to enter the Disccuss module, it will appear directly at the top of your system, or if the conversation is open it will start flashing to notify you.

  • The conversations can remain open even if you change the module, you can choose the ideal time to close it.

  • You will be able to see the availability of your colleagues: Green = online, Orange = busy, White = offline, Airplane = out of the office. 

  • You will be able to see and keep track of overdue, pending and future activities that require your attention.

Other important features of Odoo Disccuss

You can keep track of the conversations

You will be able to create direct conversations with other employees and create private groups, as well as have instant access to the topics recently discussed in your company and keep track of the conversations that you follow. As well as knowing the progress in the activities that you follow, such as potential clients, the purchase process of a specific client or the replenishment of your company's inventory.

It is possible to subscribe to channels

Create open groups to follow conversations on specific topics. You will be able to get involved in projects by subscribing to existing channels or by generating new ones.

You can bookmark your favorites

You have the possibility to mark messages with important content with a star to easily find them in the favorites list. And follow up on the topics of interest that were left in a pending conversation.

You can create private groups

Create private groups and invite users who are required to join efforts through the system itself without the need to use other tools.

You will have the possibility to visualize the connection status of your colleagues

It is possible to see if your colleagues are online or not, absent or offline.

You can mention any user

Mention Odoo users (@odoo_usuario) in conversations and even channels (#name_channel) from various activities in other modules such as purchase or sale orders, leads, and make them aware of your ideas or follow up on said activity.

Discover how Odoo Discuss will allow you to manage efficient internal communication in a demo

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