María José Solano [Vauxoo] Odoo 16 Website Builder, What's New? In this blog we want to share with you important information that was revealed in the Keynote given by Fabien Pinckaers founder and CEO of Odoo about the improvements that will be in the website build... Odoo OdooERP OdooExperience2022 odoo16 odoowebsite website Oct 19, 2022
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Odoo is now a unicorn company. What does that mean? Las Unicorn companies are those technology companies whose growth is exponential, they usually reach a value of 1,000 million dollars in less than 10 years from their creation. This term was coined by... Odoo Odoo 16 Odoo15 OdooERP Sep 14, 2022
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Improve your team communication with Odoo Discuss En cualquier empresa la comunicación es fundamental, y es primordial contar con canales de comunicación simples e intuitivos para mantener una comunicación exitosa. Odoo ofrece el módulo de Discuss, e... Odoo OdooERP odoorecursoshuman rrhh Jun 29, 2022
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Odoo projects: the key to manage your projects successfully Managing a project can be a daunting task, which is why you need to decide which project management method to use. The essential thing is to choose a methodology that guarantees that the company's pro... Odoo Odoo15 OdooApps OdooERP kanban proyectos timesheet Jun 15, 2022
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] How much does an ERP cost? ¿Buscas implementar un ERP, pero no conoces que compone su costo? ¿Cómo sabes cuál es la mejor opción? ¿A largo plazo, cuánto dinero estarás invirtiendo? ¿Cuáles son los costos ocultos?. Este blog pos... CalcularelcostodeunERP Costosdeimplementación CostosdeunERP CostosocultosdeunERP CuantocuestaunERP ERPOnPremise ERPSaaS ERPalargoplazo Licenciamiento Licenciasperpetuas OdooERP Planesdesuscripción Jul 22, 2021
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Why do so many ERP implementations fail? The use of an ERP helps companies improve their processes and increase their performance, but why do these types of implementations sometimes fail? Throughout this blog we will tell you why it happens... sistemaerp ImplementacionesERP OdooERP businessintelligencesoftware fracasoenimplementaciones sistemadegestionempresarial sistemascontables sistemasdemanufactura softwareadministrativo softwaredeadministraciondenegocios softwaredecontabilidad softwareparainventarios softwarepuntodeventa May 19, 2021