María José Solano [Vauxoo] What is onboarding and why is it important for your company? ¿Cómo le das la bienvenida a tus nuevos colaboradores? ¿Crees que tienen un buen recuerdo de su primer día? Para fidelizar al talento humano de tu empresa e incluirlos a su cultura, existe el onboardi... Odoo empleadosnuevos empleadosnuevosinduccion estrategiasdeonboarding onboarding onboardingdigital procesodeonboarding recursoshumanos trabajoremoto Jun 2, 2021
María José Solano [Vauxoo] 5 steps to implement A / B testing. Throughout this blog post we will explain the meaning of A / B testing? What does it consist of? And four reasons why you should implement it in your company. Currently, there are various tools that w... Marketing Odoo abtesting ecommerce testing Mar 31, 2021
María José Solano [Vauxoo] SaaS vs On Premise What is the difference between an ERP Saas and an ERP On Premise? In the following blog, we explain how each modality works, we will tell you about its pros and cons so that you can make the best deci... Costos. ERP Odoo OnPremise SaaS Mar 17, 2021
María José Solano [Vauxoo] What is ERP and how can it improve my sales? Are you thinking of incorporating an ERP system in your company? In this blog post, we will answer all the doubts about what it is, how it helps to improve the sales of a company, to identify when it ... ERP Negocios Odoo queesERP Feb 10, 2021