Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Benefits of PLM Systems in Manufacturing PLM systems, like ERP and MRP systems, have several benefits for manufacturing since they are responsible for improving and controlling the life cycle in a cooperative way and storing each data. In th... Manufactura Odoo PLM PLM Product Lifecycle Management sistemasdemanufactura May 11, 2022
María José Solano [Vauxoo] 6 benefits of having a forum on your website An internet forum is a space where people can share ideas and spark discussion on a particular topic. Having a forum on your website is a very good strategy because the contributions, comments, questi... Odoo beneficiosdeunforo foro foroodoo May 4, 2022
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Payroll Costa Rica with Odoo Previously in our blog we had talked about electronic payroll with Odoo, its functions and benefits, in this blog we will review what electronic payroll is, and its functions, in addition to showing y... Costa Rica Localizacion Costa Rica beneficiosdenominaelectronica nomina nomina electronica Apr 27, 2022
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Best practices for a successful email marketing strategy with Odoo Previously in our blog “ Email marketing automation ” we told you how email marketing is a great tool to complement your marketing strategy. Let's remember that this strategy is about sending mass ema... MarketingDigital Odoo email email marketing Apr 20, 2022
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Vauxoo commissions module In an area as competitive as sales, the objectives and commissions are of vital importance to keep the team in a constant rhythm of growth, since the motivation of your team does not only come from in... Comisiones Cuota de ventas Equipo de ventas Modulo de comisiones e incentivos Ventas incentivos Apr 13, 2022
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Methodology for a successful implementation at Vauxoo To begin, it is necessary to know that our methodology consists of 5 phases and something important to take into account is that the first 4 phases do not occur sequentially, but rather iteratively, s... ImplementacionesERP Odoo implementaciondeunsoftware metodologia pasosdeimplementaciondeunERP Apr 6, 2022
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Electronic invoicing Costa Rica The Costa Rica localization is an extension of the core modules adding the necessary functionalities so that companies can operate their accounting and finances in Odoo, complying with the main fiscal... Facturacion electronica Facturación Localizacion Costa Rica queeslafacturacionelectronic Mar 30, 2022
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Limpieza de datos: ¿qué importancia tiene para las empresas? En toda empresa es de suma importancia mantener los datos de clientes de manera organizada, ya que son uno de los elementos más relevantes y valiosos que puede tener. Hacer uso de una estrategia como ... Datacleaning Odoo limpieza de datos queeslalimpiezadedatos Mar 23, 2022
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Invoice generator in Odoo: Documents Mexico What is Documents Mexico? It is a module developed by Vauxoo that is not found in the Odoo App store, this module allows you to load an XML (electronic invoicing file previously stamped by a PAC) and ... Mar 16, 2022
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Expenses module in Odoo Odoo's expenses module helps to improve the management of travel expenses generated by collaborators, knowing them is of great importance for your company regardless of its size, since having knowledg... Odoo control de gastos gastos odoogastos Mar 9, 2022
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Extended Mexican localization What is a localization in Odoo? Odoo handles a term called "Fiscal localization" and refers to those modules that allow Odoo to comply with the mandatory guidelines established by the tax authority of... Localizacion mexicana extendida OML Odoo localizacion localizacionmexicana Mar 2, 2022
María José Solano [Vauxoo] Odoo Subscription: Overview and Features This time we will tell you about what you can find in the Odoo subscription module. Previously on our blog benefits of implementing a subscription business model We talked about some subscription busi... Odoo odoosuscripcion suscripcion ventajasdelmodelodesuscripción Feb 23, 2022