A tool that allows developers and product managers to perform tests on instances with real and sanitized data without damaging production. Instances may be made by themselves, without the need of a third party, without the need to conflict with server configuration.

The name comes from the verb deploy, which identifies the process of creating and configuring an instance on a server. Being a Vauxoo tool, it closes with the letter V. Making a link between the name, function and meaning.

DeployV logo

We designed several brand applications such as the website, the user interface for both admin and users in the product, as well as some promotional souvenirs.

DeployV Applications

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We started by designing an informative landing page to let the users know about a DeployV’s beta version while we fine-tune the last details before launching the official version (soon).

DeployV Screenshot

· User Research: Usability studies, interviews, surveys.
· Business Analysis: Understanding of the objectives of the company.
· Information Architecture: information architecture, user scan flow analysis.
· User Interfase: Interface and interactions design.

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