Moving a physical-digital shopping experience.

Improving the experience of your website goes beyond visual

Have you thought about creating an eCommerce for your physical store? In this blog post, we show you a case of success when creating that shopping experience for an eCommerce and the techniques used to achieve it.

The world of eCommerce seems to be the day-to-day in today's society, everything revolves around the internet. From making inquiries, searching, browsing, sharing information, news, memes, to online shopping, transfers, payments, everything revolves around the internet!

To tell the truth, even when I work in front of a computer connected to the internet all the time, I like to enjoy offline moments, for example: going to the supermarket.

Going to the supermarket is a fun, relaxing, interesting experience, seeing new products and sections, walking the aisles and how about the “free samples”, everything seems to be in the order of interest, but everything has a reason for being. 

Many of us like to give ourselves space and time to go to the supermarket, to a few others it seems unnecessary because each aisle traveled increases the products in the cart and yes, most of the time it is the intention.

Now, imagine having to live this experience on the internet, that is, doing the super shopping online with hundreds or thousands of products of which we do not have an accurate idea of how they are organized. How much time are you willing to invest before finding the product? What are you looking for? How friendly would you like the website to be so that you can quickly and logically find the products of your interest?


I will tell you about my experience.

Here I share my experience about a project that I was part of, an online grocery store, where all these questions were raised initially, seeking that each user had the best shopping experience.

The project came with the clear intention of being totally redesigned, for this had to take into account several points: know the objectives of the redesign, consider that the grocery store was already recognized and had a physical and digital presence. 

So, what points were taken into account?

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  • Inventory. To begin with, absolutely all the store's inventory had to be studied and recognized..

  • Redesign. Understand the e-commerce redesign strategy. For this, we stopped to analyze what the main objective was: Increase retail sales? Increase wholesale sales?

  • Analysis. Record and analyze customer behavior while shopping on the site: What is their flow entering the site? Where do they click? What do they write? Where do they leave the site?

  • Change background. Implement improvements with Odoo, based on previous research.

When all the points were clear, the inventory began to be put in order, since it had to be coordinated and clear, both at the physical point of sale and in the pieces available per product in the digital store.

Thanks to the inventory tool in Odoo, it was possible to organize the information in a better way, since it allowed us to organize parent categories, subcategories, and labels for each item, favoring a faster and more intuitive search of the products (attached a short video where I show how to make a parent category and subcategory). 

This allows that when locating a product of your interest, recommendations related to the product you chose are displayed. This is the same dynamic that applies in supermarkets, as you walk through the aisles you come across "free samples" or promotions that make you buy things on impulse, here they also exist and are called cross-selling.


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What is the trick to make an eCommerce friendly?

The main objective of the grocery store's project was to create a friendly eCommerce that would allow customers to have an excellent shopping experience and to enjoy it without any problem.

To achieve this, the following points were taken into account:

  • Understand the end-user. It is essential to know the tastes, reactions, interests, even the rhythm of life. To be clear on these points, it is important to reflect on the following: Why do people buy online? Your pace of life is fast enough that you don't have time to go to the store? Will there be a lack of transportation for which you want the purchase to arrive at your home? All these small factors are what give us tools to make eCommerce more friendly.

  • Create a Heat Map. Then you must know what the user's flow is in eCommerce, for this you can rely on a tool called Heat Map or in English "Heatmaps" with helps you to evaluate the user's journey within the site, the routes they make, the position and the number of clicks. All this allows you to know what is "not seen" and helps to obtain the most transparent and necessary information.

  • Create categories that are useful to the end-user. In my experience, I have worked for B2C companies, such as Abastotal, where the challenge of ordering more than 1,800 products by categories and subcategories was quite interesting, as it turned out that even though some products had a "logical" category, some people would think of look for the same product in a different category. By applying a content categorization dynamic called Card sorting , it was possible to give rise to products that seemed not to have a specific category. Additionally, he supported himself with the categorization theory by visiting supermarkets and knowing the logistics of the organization of aisles. The activity was a complete success since it was possible to adapt the flow of purchase of the products, by probable and verifiable paths, not only by pigeonholing products into a single category.

In conclusion: creating an excellent online shopping experience for your users will depend a lot on its characteristics and the objectives you set in the beginning, each business has different needs and potentials with which changes and particularities can be made according to the points that were mentioned above.

Are you looking to create an eCommerce for your physical store?

Schedule a free demo, we can help you.

Moving a physical-digital shopping experience.
Mariana Ruiz [Vauxoo] October 17, 2018
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