María José Solano [Vauxoo] Cost center in Odoo The cost center is the area or business unit where the expenses that the company needs are produced and controlled . In other words, it is a financial section, with an assigned budget, where the compa... Contabilidad CuentascontablesOdoo Herramientasdecontabilidad Odoo Odoocontabilidad control de gastos odoogastos sistemascontables Sep 21, 2022 Our Blog
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] Why do so many ERP implementations fail? The use of an ERP helps companies improve their processes and increase their performance, but why do these types of implementations sometimes fail? Throughout this blog we will tell you why it happens... sistemaerp ImplementacionesERP OdooERP businessintelligencesoftware fracasoenimplementaciones sistemadegestionempresarial sistemascontables sistemasdemanufactura softwareadministrativo softwaredeadministraciondenegocios softwaredecontabilidad softwareparainventarios softwarepuntodeventa May 19, 2021 Our Blog