María José Solano [Vauxoo] Cost center in Odoo The cost center is the area or business unit where the expenses that the company needs are produced and controlled . In other words, it is a financial section, with an assigned budget, where the compa... Contabilidad CuentascontablesOdoo Herramientasdecontabilidad Odoo Odoocontabilidad control de gastos odoogastos sistemascontables Sep 21, 2022
Kevin Pérez [Vauxoo] What are ledger accounts, and what is their classification? Administrative management must be accompanied by good accounting management, which must offer accurate data to carry out future strategies. To achieve a good accounting management it is necessary that... CuentascontablesOdoo CuentasdebalanceOdoo CuentasderesultadosOdoo Herramientasdecontabilidad Lascuentascontablesysuclasificacion Odoocontabilidad Quesonlascuentascontables propositocuentascontables softwaredecontabilidad Aug 18, 2021