Rafael Silva [Vauxoo] Home office in a contingency With the precautionary and security measures dictated by the governments in pursuit of stopping the COVID-19, companies are seeing the need to quickly implement the Home Office modality, which is noth... COVID19 herramientas homeoffice Apr 2, 2020
Danna López [Vauxoo] 7 digital solutions to manage your company from home With the accelerated global expansion of COVID-19, and taking measures aligned with the recommendations of the authorities of all countries, in which prevention regulations have been decreed to safegu... compra contabilidad ecommerce factura electrónica proyectos recursos humanos website Mar 19, 2020
Jordán López [Vauxoo] Guide users who visit your website along the desired path Have you ever visited a website and don’t know what is happening? There are so many elements around trying to get your attention and there doesn’t seem to be a clear path you can follow. Or on the con... CTA UX Feb 20, 2019
Danna López [Vauxoo] Always Ticos, building great things. What's coming it's better than you imagined. Two Odoo Gold Partners merge knowledge, skills, big ideas, experience and vision in a single team; to become the strongest partner and leader in the Odoo... Dec 10, 2018
Mariana Ruiz Card Sorting: How to organize information in an eCommerce In this blog post, we explain why the order of information in an eCommerce is so important and the use of a tool that will help you with it, are you ready to learn about card sorting? A perfect exampl... Arquitectura de la información Card Sorting Methodology Organization Nov 14, 2018
Danna López [Vauxoo] This is how we lived the Odoo Experience 2018. With destination to the European continent, we traveled 9115 km., forming part of the group of Odoo experts, serving as assistants, exhibitors, VIP sponsors and one of the partners awarded in the Odoo... OCA OdooAwards OdooExperience Oct 31, 2018
Rafael Silva [Vauxoo] ¿Cuales son los cambios en CFDI 3.3? Ya el 2018 esta corriendo y sin embargo muchas empresas aún están adecuandose y buscando la manera de estar al día con las nuevas específicaciones que ha introducido el SAT para llevar a cabo la factu... Jun 11, 2018
Nhomar G. Hernández [Vauxoo] Working at home What is Home Office? It's a form of work from home that allows you to have several benefits.This openness in organisations allows benefits such as flexible hours, higher labor productivity, motivation... Feb 13, 2018
Rafael Silva [Vauxoo] ¿Que es el Mailing? Email Marketing Se usa para describir el envío masivo de correos electrónicos a un conjunto de contactos y es una herramienta de marketing directo que busca promover un mensaje específico a un conjunt... mailing massmailing Jan 22, 2018