Long-term benefits of using Odoo ERP

Al evaluar las diferentes soluciones ERP para encontrar el mejor ERP para tu empresa debes tomar en cuenta aquellos beneficios en costos, mejora de procesos y escalabilidad. En este blog post hablamos de los beneficios a corto y largo plazo que Odoo ERP tiene para tu empresa.

When evaluating the different ERP solutions to find the best ERP for your company, you must take into account the benefits in costs, process improvement and scalability. In this blog post, we talk about the short and long-term benefits that Odoo ERP has for your company. 

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Currently, having an ERP that helps automate processes in companies is of the utmost importance, since organization and good management of resources is vital.

When trying to automate the processes, the different options should be evaluated to know in depth the benefits it offers to the company and verify if it will really cover the needs that the business currently has.

Something important to take into account when choosing an ERP are the benefits it offers in the long term, it is something that companies do not usually pay attention to, however it is very valuable to verify it, since sometimes an option may seem the best due to its short-term benefits, but over time it can backfire. 

If you want to make a more informed decision when choosing an ERP, we recommend you visit our blog post,
How much does an ERP cost?Where we offer you a clear guide to the components that you should take into account when making this important decision.

The advantages and benefits that Odoo offers are many, as well as in the short, medium and long term. Next we will tell you some benefits that this ERP has when using it in the long term.

What are the short-term benefits of using an ERP like Odoo?

Numerous modules and integrations

Odoo has different modules that connect with each other, there are modules for Finance (Accounting, Billing, Expenses, etc.), Sales (CRM, Sales, Point of Sale, etc.), Website (Website Builder, Electronic Commerce, Blogs, etc.) among others. In addition, Odoo also has integrations to other applications such as Shopify, WooCommerce, Amazon, Magento that allow you to automate processes.

Quick implementation by adapting my processes

Odoo is a tool that is already functional for standard processes, that is, if I can adapt my company's processes to the way Odoo works, I can have a fairly fast implementation that could last for a minimum of 2 to 3 months, therefore I will be able to capitalize what my investment is and take advantage of my ERP.

Planned growth

Thanks to the fact that Odoo is connected between its modules, it allows your company to grow in an orderly way, since you can start with the implementation of a module and over time add the modules that your business needs. In an example you can start implementing modules such as Purchasing, Sales and Inventory and then implement Accounting or Expenses and plan according to your needs which will be the next modules to implement. 

What are the long-term benefits of Odoo in terms of process improvement?

Centralized information

An advantage is that you will have all the information of your company centralized. You will spend less time getting any data that you require for decision-making or information that could cost you money at the process level because everything will be centralized, it is also cheaper than maintaining several systems.

What are the long-term cost benefits of Odoo?

Single system training

You only keep one tool, so training will be cheaper, and your employees will only need to train on one system, not multiple.

What other benefits does the long-term use of Odoo bring?

Major updates

The system is an open source solution, all those involved in the implementations propose improvements and these improvements benefit the rest of the users who use Odoo. An example is the Mexican localization of Odoo, which was an improvement developed by Vauxoo to improve the accounting module.

Now the rest of the customers who use Odoo benefit from it, since that improvement is implemented in their ERP system as part of the regular licensing cost.

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Is scalable

Odoo allows you to use a service for each type of company, if your company is small there are solutions for your type of business and as your business grows you can scale to more modules or more users. The idea of ​​investing in an ERP is for your business to grow, therefore in Odoo you can start with a small solution and scale.

Improve customer experience

When starting an ERP implementation the focus goes directly to improving and automating the operation, after that the company changes its focus to improving the customer experience. Odoo has the tools to meet customer needs and improve their experience:

  • Communication apps (chat, surveys, electronic signatures, VoiP).

  • Marketing Apps (email marketing, social marketing, SMS, chat bot).

  • Website apps (eCommerce and connectors with marketplaces, blogs, events, appointment management, websites, online learning).

There is a wide variety of ERPs on the market, without a doubt choosing the best one for your company is a complicated task, however, knowing the benefits that Odoo offers in the short and long term may facilitate the task of choosing. You can also find Odoo comparisons against other solutions on the market, segmenting the analysis from the ERP point of view and comparing the different tools (CRM, eCommerce, Logistics, Manufacturing and Accounting) in order to fully understand what each ERP can offer you.

At Vauxoo we have specialists with extensive experience in the implementation of  the ERP with an extensive number of tools on the market.  Try Odoo ERP now.


Get the ideal inventory for you online store
A lo largo de este blog te contamos como podrás estar preparado para las fechas fuertes con el número de productos ideal en stock para tu negocio, te compartimos algunos puntos que deberás tomar en cuenta si quieres hacer uso de un software que ayude a tu empresa con el inventario y te compartimos una herramienta que hará que el inventario de tu tienda en línea se automatice.